
Spring Fever Freebie!

Do the students in your class have spring fever?  If not, it will most likely happen soon.  This is a little tool I use when I feel like I need to bring out the big incentives for good behavior in my classroom.  I do not do a yearly behavior incentive program because I don't think giving rewards for expected behavior is productive for the long term.  But, drastic times call for drastic measures.  Yes, it is time to bribe my students with a reward for good behavior.  It gets us all through the remainder of the school year and creates some fun!

Anytime my class does something well, they get a gumball.  I just draw them in with marker.  It is usually for transitions, clean up time, walking in line well, etc.  Gumballs will also be given for using quiet voices during guided reading groups as well.  Any behavior you desire gets a gumball!  Sometimes I give big gumballs or multiple gumballs when they deserve it.  Sometimes I just give a little gumball to try to keep them motivated, but need to encourage better.  You get the idea...

When the class fills the gumball machine with gumballs, then they earn a special reward.  It might be extra recess time, a fun healthy snack, stickers.  Anything,  you decide.  Hope this is helpful to you!

Just click on the image above to get yours.  (the document won't have my logo on it,  just the image...)
Thank you to Cara Carroll (CC fonts) for the adorable font!  If you don't have her fonts yet, you should check them out.  They are my favorites!

Happy spring and happy teaching!


  1. This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm a student teacher and have been using this for the past week. This students in first grade LOVE seeing the gum ball machine fill up during the day!! I give them a prize if they are able to fill it up.

  4. I'm a student teacher and have been using this for the past week. The students in first grade LOVE seeing the gumball machine fill up during the day!! I give them a prize if they are able to fill it up.

  5. I'm a student teacher and have been using this for the past week. This students in first grade LOVE seeing the gum ball machine fill up during the day!! I give them a prize if they are able to fill it up.

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