
Ask for what you want!

This post is about asking for help in your classroom.  I have learned over the years that most parents want to help out.  If they can they will.  If they can't they won't.  But if you don't ask, they will not know you need anything.  So, ask for what you want!   Here are two ways I ask for help in my classroom throughout the year:

Sorry this photo isn't great.   This is one way I ask for classroom supplies as needs come up during the school year.  I call the folks helping out "classroom supply fairies".  This note explains that if they see a sticky note and can donate that item, take the sticky and return the item to school.  I post mine in the front door window of the classroom so they are easy to see.   If you are asking for something for a planned project be sure to put a due date on the sticky note.  Here is one for you if you want to do this in your classroom:

It is simple, but it gets the message across.  And, this system works.  Just click on the image above to go get yours.  Graphics for the classroom supply fairies poster provided by Scrappin Doodles lic#116345.

I also ask for volunteers to help out in my kindergarten classroom.  Parent volunteers are an important part of my center time.  It makes my curriculum much more enriching for students and most parents enjoy being a part of their child's school experience.  I updated my volunteer sign up sheets this year.  So, if you want to use them here are some for you, just click on any of the images below to get all three pages:

These are mine outside my classroom just waiting for eager volunteers.  Some years I don't get all my special jobs filled, but it is OK.   We always do just fine.  The pink sticky notes are just a little job description so people know what the job entails. Sorry the photo isn't great.  But you get the idea.

I am so incredibly grateful for the AMAZING parent support at my school.  It is a part of our school culture.  Parents know they are valued in the classroom because I keep them busy with prep projects and teaching students!  If you don't have a culture of parent support at your school, give it a try.  If you ask, you just might get some help.  One volunteer is better than none.  Best of luck!

Lastly, a little shout out to Krista Wallden for the adorable chalkboard clip art I used in the collage at the top of the post.  It was FREE on TPT.  Go check out her store, she has great stuff at great prices! Krista Wallden on TPT

Happy teaching!

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